Contact Us

Professor Lynden Archer, Dean of the College of Engineering
242 Carpenter Hall | 607-255-9679

Professor David Erickson, S.C. Thomas Sze Director
139 Upson Hall | 607-342-1799 | [email protected]

Professor Brian Kirby, Associate Director for Undergraduate Affairs
377 Kimball Hall | [email protected]

Professor Nelly Andarawis-Puri, Associate Director for Graduate Affairs and DGS for Mechanical Engineering
353 Upson Hall | 607-255-1650

Professor Dmitry Savransky, DGS for Theoretical and Applied Mechanics
451 Upson Hall | 646-801-9356

Professor Perrine Pepiot, DGS for Aerospace Engineering
309 Upson Hall | 607-254-5281

Professor Matt Ulinski, Master of Engineering Committee Director
443 Upson Hall | 607-255-6365

Trisica Munroe, Director of Administration
133 Upson Hall | 607-255-5949

Rose Howard, Executive Assistant to the Director
130 Upson Hall | 607-255-3623

Sibley School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
130 Upson Hall
124 Hoy Road
Cornell University
Ithaca, New York 14853

Phone: 607-255-3623
Fax: 607-255-0813

For Undergraduate Studies inquiries contact our Undergraduate Program Office.

For Graduate Studies inquiries contact: